Basement waterproofing is a huge process that involves more than just pouring a liquid solution down the drain. In order for a basement to be properly waterproofed it must be completely lined with a proper waterproof mixture. The proper mixture will depend on many factors such as where you live, the type of materials that are used in the home, and the amount of movement that take place in the basement. The proper waterproofing mixture will also take into consideration the type of basement floor that is in use as well as any additional plumbing fixtures that may be present. There are three main types of basement waterproofing that should be discussed in this article: surface drainage system, basement leak protection systems, and basement wet walls systems.


A sod application or a perforated interior weeping tile system will prevent water from seeping through. This system will also act as a very effective basement leak protection system. Basement waterproofing should be completed before the interior weeping tile system is installed. If an existing sump pump is located within the basement, then the exterior sump pump must also be considered an accessory for basement waterproofing.


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A sub-slab depressurization of the concrete will form a watertight seal over the base material. This type of basement waterproofing is the least expensive of all three. It is done by injecting a concrete slab depressurizing agent directly into the interior of the concrete floor slab. This type of system is recommended for homes that have existing concrete flooring, concrete walls, or concrete roof. Once the concrete has begun to cure for depressurization, a new waterproof layer is applied above the depressurization using a membrane that is fitted to the outside of the concrete floor.


A wet basement leak can also be repaired using a specially poured concrete mixture. This method is more costly than the other two basement waterproofing methods and is not recommended for new construction or houses that are in good condition. The combined use of the wet basement leak repair mixture and the exterior drainage system will create an effective combination that will stop basement leaks.

DWV Control: If there are cracks in the concrete, especially near basement corners, then an effective method of basement waterproofing can be achieved by using a diluted anti-microbial concrete stain. This stain can be combined with a PVC membrane to prevent future water damage. Another effective way of DWV control includes installing French drains. These drains are installed underground, below the earth's surface, and drain any excess groundwater or liquid wastes from the soil surrounding the house.

DWV Control

If there are cracks in the concrete, especially near basement corners, then an effective method of basement waterproofing can be achieved by using a specially poured concrete stain. This stain can also be combined with an exterior drainage system to prevent future water damage. Another effective method of DWV control includes installing French drains. These drains are installed underground, below the earth's surface, and drain any excess groundwater or liquid wastes from the soil surrounding the house. These drains will make it impossible for excess moisture or water to enter through the walls of the house and into the basement.

Dissolve Mold

If you suspect that you have internal dampness in your basement leaks, then it's likely that you have mold growing within your walls. Mold can be removed using a variety of techniques. If you want to use a mold killing solution, it's important that you work on the larger areas of the wall because spores will spread quickly when exposed to air. An interior waterproofing contractor will be able to advise you about the best mold removal techniques for your home.

Foundation Repair

Many basement waterproofing homeowners don't realize that a foundation repair is one of the worst conditions for a house. Although it may seem like a small problem, a cracked foundation can cause a lot of damage. Contractors working with a qualified basement waterproofing contractor will be able to repair the foundation problems in your home. They will be able to recommend proper foundation repair techniques that will prevent future foundation problems.

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The process is meant to improve the structural issues that can develop due to leaks from the roof or plumbing pipes. Many times basement waterproofing is performed by improving the structural integrity of the home. This improves resistance to water damage significantly. It's also been shown that by sealing basements in all likelihood reducing the amount of repairs that need to be made to the home. (this is actually very true in wet climates) Other benefits from sealing basements is that it also reduces mold and mildew which can develop as a result of humidity in the area.


Improves the aesthetic look of a home. Waterproofing decks and porches, and the facades of attached homes are all common areas where water can accumulate. By eliminating excess moisture and dampness, the exterior waterproofing process enhances the appearance of a home and decreases maintenance costs. In fact, it's been shown that in many cases, the cost of repairing damage caused by water seepage is less than treating the home for mold or mildew due to the absence of moisture issues.

Resale Value

One of the benefits of waterproofing a basement or other area is that it makes your home more attractive to buyers. If you're looking to sell your home, waterproofing is a great way to increase its marketability. There are even national real estate television shows that air during the spring and fall that focus on residential properties with leaky basements.

Mold or Mildew Mitigation

Mold and mildew can form when there is moisture present in a space and then weatherization causes it to expand and spread. Exterior waterproofing prevents the growth of mold and mildew because the waterproofing membrane actually locks moisture in the space. This prevents the expansion of mold and mildew, which can both create health concerns for your family and cause structural damage to the building. Even if the dampness or mold doesn't affect you directly, the health risks are not pleasant so you'll want to make sure you're protecting your home from any such situations.

The many benefits of basement waterproofing far outweigh the cost of having to repair damage that's been neglected for extended periods of time. When you waterproof your basement in New York City, you remove the existing standing water that collects on top of the foundation, along with any leaks or spills that may have occurred under the roofing and on your exterior walls. The added space and efficiency of your roof system will allow you to do more with less energy so you can save money on your electric bills as well.


Many people view home improvements as items of luxury that will allow them to live in a home that will never need major renovations done. If you want to take this approach, it's important to realize that the appearance and quality waterproofing will improve the appearance of your home. In addition, exterior waterproofing will help your home withstand wind damage and keep mold and mildew from growing. Finally, exterior waterproofing will reduce the maintenance you have to do on your home as it won't allow water to soak into the wood framing or cause rotting for your carpet.

Structural Integrity

Basement leaks happen for a variety of reasons and you don't always see signs that the problem has been fixed. Some leaks are simple, such as dripping water from a nearby pipe. However, some leaks come from poor foundation practices or poorly maintained sewage pipes. When you waterproof a basement, you are ensuring the structural integrity of your home by waterproofing both the interior and exterior walls.

"There is no other feeling like the comfort of the home

you've renovated and have made yours! "

~ JP & EG Construction

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